jueves, 19 de junio de 2014

My blogging experience :'(

Ok, in this final post I'm going to talk about my blogging experiencie in this semester in the subject English intermediate with teacher Henry :) 

I really liked and it was very entertaining, First I liked because I learned much words, and second I met much more my classmates and things in their lives, also we could writen about different topics they were very interesting, besides is a new way to learn English more didatic, just that sometimes came to web page: 
"google translator" and that was not good for me. 

Really If I have it in mind starting new blogg but in spanish jaja is more easy !, principally would write in the blogg, poetry or my opinion about social topic and own stories probably.  

 As I say beforehand is a new way to learn English, is didatic, only bad thing is that sometimes came to google translator, and on the other hand sometimes the system it stuck :( , and I couldn't comment other bloggs.

I change some topics, but in generally not change much I think the blogg is a good instrument for meet my classmates and learn English.

Finally is a very good experience I had never done before, and I will miss the blogg .

Good luck and positive "vibration" ! 

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