martes, 17 de junio de 2014


The truth is that Chili is a country that I don´t like much, because is boring and does not have many interesting places to visit, also there is much injustice, however I don't feel bad in this country, I believe that one gets used. The end to the end one I look for different spaces for recreation  

I like their parks, and their hills or mountains, and the original peoples; they are a huge heritage of this country. 

I don´t like inequality, and the pollution, I think it is a great damage to the environment and  people.

I would change the inequality, distributing  wealth more fairly. also would put more green areas. 

I have noot been any other country, but I would love to travel by other countries . 

I think the international perception of Chili is good, for their economy that is growing also we are in democracy

I would like to live anywhere in the south, along with the nature, specifically beside a rider, because I like to be relaxed and calm, away from society. 

Good bye ! 

5 comentarios:

  1. Franco , i think the same, but we have beautiful places that we can visit :)

  2. the picture is too sad :( the polution is a mistake that like population we must to correct.

  3. the inequallity and pollution is very bad, but Santiago have parts beautiful and entertaining

  4. The opinion that you have about Chile is really truth. This country have too many problems like the inequality and the injustice.
