jueves, 24 de abril de 2014

Favorite movie 

Hello on this ocassion I speak about of my favorite movie. 

Ok, The movie is called The life is beatiful. 

In this film the protagonist is Roberto Benigni, this film is based on the second world war.

The story is about two parents, the father named guido, he is jewish, and the mother named dora, they had son named josué.

Guido is arrested by the nazis, and is taken to a concentration camp with his son, Dora the mother go whim them voluntarily.

In the concentratiom camp Guido (the father of Josué) tells his son that whole is a game, and should be hidden german guards, the award would be an original tank war.

Like this pass the day, and every days in te concentration camp the father invent new game's in order to help his son.

Passed the months, until the nazis losser the war, because of the concentration camp were liberated, but before Guido, the father of josue, was shot, and that night, josue was hidden over night in a box, this action will help to sav.

Finally the next day, josue out of the box, and the first thing see is a tank...

The movie like me because is emotional, and is bassed on a true story. 


4 comentarios:

  1. Oh, this movie seems very dramatic, and the best, it based in real life. I see if I watch sometime.

  2. yes, this is one of my two favourite films, nice

  3. This movie is very emotional and I cried with this!!

  4. i love the scenes where Guido pretended like everything was a game for protect the innocence of his son.
